National Cursillo $3/Year Campaign Update

$3/YR Campaign Update

As of July 31, 2014, the National Cursillo Center has received a total donation amount of $40,629. This amount is up 9% from May 2014. We have reached 13.5% of our $300,000 goal for this fiscal year. The National Cursillo Center has issued 58 vouchers worth of $6,800 to the dioceses that donated $200 or more. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to offer 2 free National Encounter tickets to Lay Directors who are working hard to revive or establish Cursillo in their areas. We also provided 3 $200 bookstore vouchers for 3 other dioceses that are establishing Cursillo. Please continue promoting the Campaign by all means of communication such as Friendship Group Reunion, Ultreya, School of Leaders, Regional Encounters, workshops, personal contact, group e-mail, etc. For more information about the $3/YR Campaign, visit Thank you so much for your continuous support and generosity.