It takes a village to put on a Cursillo 3Day weekend. The following are opportunities to get involved. Please contact 3 Day Chairperson for more information on any item below or to sign up!
3Day Team
The 3Day team is the group that comes together to form Christian community, prepare the Rollo’s, and put on the weekend. There is a formation process that begins prior to the actual weekend. Team members are actively involved in Ultreya, School of Leaders, and are living their 4th Day to the fullest.
Food Team
The food team is the group of people who gather and purchase, using donations, the items needed for dinner on Thursday and snacks throughout the weekend. The retreat facility provides all meals on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The team arrives on Thursday to set-up for dinner (usually sandwiches, chips, etc.), cleans-up after the team and candidates are cloistered, and then returns on Sunday to clean-up the kitchen and remove any remaining food, drinks, etc.
Palanca Team
The Palanca team does just that. Each weekend Christ changes hearts through Grace. The Palanca team commits to increased prayer for the candidates and team throughout the 3Day. In the near future we are attempting 24 hour adoration during all of our 3Day weekends. Sign-up will take place at Ultreya’s preceding the weekends.
Facilities Team
The facilities team helps to set-up the Rollo room, move the tables in the housing facility for Thursday’s food, and returns on Sunday to help set-up and clean-up for Clausura. Clausura requires the set-up and clean-up of chairs and other items in the Chapel.