Parish Reps

The role of the parish representative is to be a conduit between the Cursillo Movement and their parish and from their parish back to the Movement. The responsibility of the parish representative is to provide information on Cursillo Weekends and upcoming events, assist in providing information on Fourth Day groups and to help with Cursillo activities within their Parish. This person regularly participates in group reunion, ultreya, and the school of leaders. Ideally, they commit to a minimum of one year serving in this role and agrees to attend an annual meeting of Parish Reps.

Need more information about the Cursillo? Contact a representative in your own parish. If there is no rep in your parish and you need information, or you are interested in become a rep for your parish, please contact Kat Goldberg, Pre-Cursillo Chairperson/Secretariat.

Parish Rep Electronic Resources:

Current Parish Reps: The parish rep list is currently unavailable.

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