Un pensamiento sobre “SOL este martes por la noche 10 de septiembre. Centro Louis Clunan en 6:30

  1. Scotty Sneed
    Scotty Sneed - 1 week ago

    Thank you to Steve Fracchia and the Cursillistas crowd last night. We as Catholics have been educating about Jesus for 2,000 año. Piensa en ello. Catholics and Catholic schools around the world have been educating young people for 2,000 año. Including CBHS, which has been around for over a 100 año. Yes we’ve had our problems. Sin embargo, without the catholic education the protestant reformation would not have had a foundation to build on. Maybe that’s why so many protestants are intrigued when the Pope speaks. Steve spoke of the Ideal of stretching ourselves to invite new Cursiistas to SOL’s so they can learn about being a leader in Cursillo and join a team for our weekends, Steve said don’t we feel something exciting when our cars hit the beginning of the Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat center driveway? De Colores, escocés

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