
As Catholics, we believe the ultimate Action is to participate in the Eucharist. Receiving Jesus with our friends and families is the “source and summit” of true Action. And yet, there are so many actions that define us as Christians that should flow from our communion with our Lord. Within the Cursillo community of the […]


Philip ran up and heard him reading reading Isaiah the prophet and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” He replied, “How can I, unless someone instructs me?” Acts 9:30-31. This passage highlights for us the desire to study, but also the necessity of proper instruction. In our Catholic faith, we have always desired […]


In addition to the liturgy, Christian life is nourished by various forms of popular piety, rooted in the different cultures. While carefully clarifying them in the light of faith, the Church fosters the forms of popular piety that express an evangelical instinct and a human wisdom  that enrich Christian life. CCC 1679 Fundamental to the […]